Oversigt over ZSL's arbejde i Grønland

Staff: Chris Yesson, Emmeline Broad.
PhD student: Stephen Long.
Research Cruise: Planned ROV survey of East Greenland (Eurofleets cruise aboard GO SARS.
Report: "Greenland halibut fishery benthic habitats and trawling impacts: interim report".
Notes: Start of 1-year benthic research project funded by Marine Stewardship Council.
Staff: Chris Yesson.
PhD student: Stephen Long.
Research Cruises: Drop camera survey on benthic mapping survey aboard R/V Sanna (No ZSL staff
due to COVID).
Report: “ZSL and GINR - Joint Memorandum".
Student projects:
- Eva Stewart (UCL MRes 2020):
- Conor Nicoll (Imperial MSc 2020):
“The Hidden Habitats of Greenland: Identifying benthic community distribution within Disko Bay”.
- Long S, Sparrow-Scinocca B, Blicher ME, Hammeken Arboe N, Fuhrmann M, Kemp KM, Nygaard R, Zinglersen K & Yesson C (2020):
- Long, S., & Jones, P. J. (2020):
Staff: Chris Yesson.
PhD student: Stephen Long.
Research Cruises:
- Video sled survey during shrimp stock assessment survey, Helga Maria (SL & Michael Darling, July 2019)
- Video sled survey during halibut stock assessment survey, Helga Maria (SL & Michael Darling Aug 2019)
- Drop camera survey during benthic mapping survey, Sanna (CY, Naomi Berkowitz & Nick Barrett, Sep 2019)
- “Interim report: Deep-sea benthic habitats and the impacts of trawling, Davis Strait, West Greenland”.
- “AnnualReport-201905-BEST1586- FinalTechnicalReport.”
Student projects:
- Lauren Cook (UCL MRes 2019):
- “Documenting cold seeps on the west coast of Greenland”.
- Bridget Sparrow-Scinocca (Imperial MSc 2019):
- “Use of deep-sea imagery to propose a candidate vulnerable marine ecosystem (VME) in the Davis Strait, Greenland.”
- Rebecca Bentley (Imperial MSc 2019):
- “Mitochondrial Genomes of Cauliflower Corals (Nephtheidae)”
- Krawczyk, D. et al. (2019):
- Krawczyk, D et al. (2019):
Notes: BEST project is concluded.
Staff: Chris Yesson, Mona Furhmann.
PhD student: Stephen Long.
Research Cruises:
- Drop camera & video sled survey during research cruise aboard R/V Sanna (MF Jul 2018).
- Drop camera & video sled survey during benthic mapping cruise aboard R/V Sanna (CY Sep 2018).
- Drop camera & video sled survey during research cruise aboard R/V Sanna (SL Oct 2018).
Student projects:
- Amy Jenkins (York MSc 2018):
Notes: Continuation of the BEST project.
Staff: Chris Yesson, Mona Furhmann
PhD student: Stephen Long
Research Cruises:
Drop camera & video sled survey during shrimp stock assessment, M/T Paamiut.
"Cruise report-201706- Paamiut".
Drop camera & video sled survey during halibut stock assessment, M/T Paamiut.
"Cruise report-201710- Paamiut".
Student projects: Jack Davies (UCL Mres 2017):
Publications: Gougeon S, Kemp KM, Blicher ME & Yesson C (2017):
Notes: Start of 2-year research project funded by BEST (IUCN/EC).
Staff: Kirsty Kemp, Chris Yesson.
Research Cruise:
- Dedicated survey of Melville Bay (drop camera & beam trawl), M/T Paamiut.
"Annual report-2016-CruiseReport 2016".
Report: “Annual report-2016-CruiseReport2016”.
Student Project:
- James Ayre (MSci project 2016):
- Yesson C, Fisher J, Gorham T, Turner CJ, Hammeken Arboe N, Blicher ME & Kemp KM (2016)
Staff: Kirsty Kemp, Chris Yesson.
Student Projects:
- Jess Fisher (Masters project 2015).
"Impacts of otter trawling on macrobenthic functional diversity in western Greenland".
- Sarah Gougeon (Masters project 2015):
"Mapping and classifying the seabed of West Greenland".
- Mate Vakarcs (Masters project 2015):
Research Cruise: Drop camera survey during shrimp stock assessment, M/T Paamiut.
Report: “AnnualReport-2015-third”.
- Yesson C, Simon P, Chemshirova I, Gorham T, Turner CJ, Hammeken Arboe N, Blicher ME, Kemp KM (2015).
“Community composition of epibenthic megafauna on the West Greenland Shelf. Polar Biology”.
Staff: Kirsty Kemp, Ed Johns, Chris Yesson.
Student Projects:
- Irina Chemshirova (BSc project 2014):
- Taylor Gorham (MSc project 2014):
- Lizzy Murphy (MSc project 2014):
- Chris Turner (MSc project 2014):
"Creating a benthic habitat map for the West Greenland shelf".
Research Cruise: Drop camera survey during shrimp stock assessment, M/T Paamiut.
Report: “AnnualReport-2014-second”.
Staff: Kirsty Kemp, Ed Johns, Chris Yesson.
Intern Project:
- Irina Chemshirova (Year in research 2013).
"Impact of trawling on benthic marine organisms off the Greenlandic shelf, 200 to 600 meters depth".
Student Project:
- Poppy Simon (MSc project 2013).
"The effects of shrimp trawling on the macrobenthic fauna of West Greenland".
Research Cruise: Drop camera survey during shrimp stock assessment, M/T Paamiut.
Staff: Kirsty Kemp & Chris Yesson.
Research Cruise: Drop camera survey during shrimp stock assessment, aboard M/T Paamiut.
Report: "Cruise report 2012 - Paamiut".
Staff: Kirsty Kemp.
Research Cruise: Drop camera survey during shrimp stock assessment, aboard M/T Paamiut.
Report: Kemp (2011):
Notes: Kirsty started the pilot project working with Peder Munk Pedersen & Michael Kingsley.